AIPT highlights to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Laser Innovation

Randon Distributed Feedback Fibre Laser
The concept of random distributed feedback fibre laser was proposed by Sergei Turitsyn and experimentally demonstrated in 2010 by the group of researchers led by him.

Ultra-Long Raman Fibre Lasers
Ultra-long Raman fibre lasers push the boundary of the laser research in new direction at the interface of high-speed communications, laser physics, optical signal processing etc.
Femtosecond lasers are being used to make measurement phantoms to check the performance of optical coherence tomography instruments.
Fibre Bragg Gratings are now used around the world monitoring a wide variety of things from wind turbines and yachts, to healthcare.
Fibre Bragg Gratings have been made at Aston since 1992.
Lasers can be used to make musically instruments such as laser harps